Prof. Dr. Rehman Sobhan​

Prof. Dr. Rehman Sobhan​

Chairman, Centre For Policy Dialogue​ (CPD); Bangladesh

Prof. Dr. Sobhan has served as a Professor of Economics, Dhaka University, Member, Bangladesh Planning Commission, Director General, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS), Executive Director, South Asia Centre for Policy Studies (SACEPS) and is currently Chairman, CPD. In 1991 he served as a member of the first caretaker government headed by President Shahabuddin Ahmed. He has held a number of important professional positions which include Member of the Group of Emminent Persons appointed by the SAARC Heads of State to review the future of SAARC and Chairman of the Board of Grameen Bank.​

He has published  large number of books, research monographs and articles published in professional journals, relating to the political economy of development, public enterprise and privatization, foreign aid, petropolitics, agrarian reform, regional cooperation in South Asia, democracy and governance. His most recent works include, Challenging the Injustice of Poverty: Agendas for Inclusive Development in South Asia (2010), two volumes of memoirs, Untranquil Recollections: The Years of Fulfillment (2015), Untranquil Recollections: Nation Building in Post-Liberation Bangladesh (2021), both published by Sage and a volume on Fifty Years of Bangladesh (2024) co-edited with Rounaq Jahan, published by Routledge.​

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