Assistant Director, The Maldives National University; Maldives
Ms. Shaahy is an enthused business development and marketing professional, currently the Assistant Director of Business Development at The Maldives National University. With a solid background in strategic management, innovation, and entrepreneurship, she has held key roles, including Director of Marketing and Consultant for prominent Maldivian businesses and franchises. Her leadership experience spans positions such as Head of Company at Moodhu Holidays Maldives and Head of Sales and Marketing at FALIM Group of Companies, where she successfully led sales and marketing efforts and effectively managed technical and operational teams. She has also served as Sales and Marketing Manager at MAPS College. Some notable work at MNU includes developing initiatives focused on Capacity Building for Sustainable Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience, where she actively prepares strategic plans and proposals to address these essential areas.
Academically, Ms. Shaahy holds a Master’s in Business Administration with Distinction from Cardiff Metropolitan University (UK) and a First-Class BA (Hons) in Business Management from Staffordshire University (UK). As a part-time lecturer at MAPS College, she shares her expertise in business, marketing, sustainable efforts and tourism management. Additionally, her commitment to cultural and environmental preservation is evident through her work on UNESCO-related heritage projects, including the nomination of Dhanbidhoo Loamaafaanu/Copper-Plates as a UNESCO Memory of the World.
Executive Director , Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI); Pakistan
Director and CEO, Lotus Holdings ; Nepal
Chief Executive, National Disaster Risk Reduction And Management Authority ; Nepal
Tourism Specialist, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD); Nepal
Professor of Economics, Centre for International Trade and Development, Jawaharlal Nehru University; India