Ambassador of the European Union Delegation to Nepal
Veronique Lorenzo is the EU Ambassador to Nepal. She was previously the Head of the Division for South America in the European External Action Service. An economist by training, Veronique has over 30 years of international experience, mostly in development cooperation and has lived and worked in a number of fragile and conflict affected countries, including Mozambique, Afghanistan, Uganda, Myanmar and Somalia where she was the EU Ambassador from 2006 to 2008.
At the EU Headquarters, Veronique has been Head of the Environment and Biodiversity and the Health, Education, Culture and Research units at the European Commission (Development Cooperation Directorate). She has represented the European Commission at the Board of a number of global initiatives, notably the Global Fund for Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and the Global Partnership for Education. She is a French and Spanish national and holds a BSc in Economics from the LSE and an MSc in Agricultural Economics from Wye College.
Executive Director , Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI); Pakistan
Director and CEO, Lotus Holdings ; Nepal
Assistant Director, The Maldives National University; Maldives
Chief Executive, National Disaster Risk Reduction And Management Authority ; Nepal
Tourism Specialist, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD); Nepal
Professor of Economics, Centre for International Trade and Development, Jawaharlal Nehru University; India