Ms. Saima William

Ms. Saima William

Programme Lead – Climate Action, Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives (CPDI); Pakistan

Ms. Saima William, is a seasoned development expert withover 15 years of experience. She specializes in program development, management, advocacy, and capacity building across various fields.

Her focus areas include Climate Action, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Climate Resilience. She is well-versed in Solid Waste Management, Climate-Smart Agriculture, Renewable Energy, and Climate Policy Reforms. She also excels as a master trainer on topics ranging from Climate Change to Advocacy. Currently, she leads CPDI’s Climate Action program, where she concentrates on strengthening local government involvement in climate action, climate financial instruments, Solid Waste Management, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Renewable Energy. She actively enhances CPDI’s presence in Climate Action by forming strategic partnerships and identifying grant opportunities. Previously, she held the role of Thematic Lead for Climate Action at Pak Mission Society, where she successfully integrated Climate Action into various thematic areas and expanded programmatic horizons.

Ms. William holds a master’s degree in psychology and has received extensive international training and certification. This includes participation in programs related to Advocacy, UN Mechanism, Global Energy and Climate Policy, Municipal Solid Waste Management in developing countries, Global Environmental Management, and Climate Change Mitigation in Developing Countries.

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