Ms. Kamya Vishwanath

Ms. Kamya Vishwanath

Young Professional (Legal), Centre for WTO Studies; India

Ms. Vishwanath is a Young Professional (Legal) at the Centre for WTO Studies (under the Centre for Research in International Trade (CRIT), Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) (established by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India) in New Delhi.

She is a licensed advocate with the Bar Council of Karnataka, India, and has practiced before district courts as well as the High Court of Karnataka. Thereafter, she served as a Research Assistant at the Centre for International Legal Studies, JGLS, where she wrote and researched on public international law from a Global South perspective. At the Centre for WTO Studies, she works on issues concerning the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and the Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, where she assists in framing responses, advisory opinions, and policy briefs for the Government of India bilaterally and multilaterally. In addition to these, she assists the TBT team in their ongoing FTA negotiations. Kamya also undertakes research and writing projects with the Trade and Sustainable Development division at the Centre.

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