Mr. Sanjay Vashist

Mr. Sanjay Vashist

Director, Climate Action Network South Asia (CANSA); Bangladesh

Mr. Vashist is Director of Climate Action Network South Asia and has been actively working towards mobilized civil society action on Climate policies in South Asian Countries and Region. Under his leadership, CAN South Asia have increased its membership base from 20 to 250+ NGOs spread in South Asian Countries. The network has successfully consolidated Climate Actions of NGOs in the region and has build bridges with Government as partners. The combined approach of implementation-networking-advocacy-training has scaled up the outcomes from Climate Actions through implementation and policy.

Previously he has worked as Advisor to Climate Policy Program of Heinrich Boell Foundation in India and Fellow with The Energy and Resource Institute in New Delhi; International Coordinator for Climate Action Network International (CANI) in Bonn and Natural Resource Scientist with Development Alternatives in New Delhi – coordinating the activities of ENGOs network also acting as focal point for ENGOs constituency of observers under UNFCCC. pursuing career in climate change science and action as well as Natural Resource Scientist among rural communities of Central India implementing community-based projects objectives towards strengthening sustainable livelihoods.

Academically he is a ‘Forester’ with Graduation and Post-Graduation in Forestry from India. He completed his Master in Agro Forestry from Gujarat Agriculture University and Graduation in Forestry from Konkan Krishi Vidhyapeeth, Maharastra. He has 14 years of experience in Natural Resource Management, Implementation of Adaptation in key sectors and following International Climate Change discussions on various platforms for future climate change regime.

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